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Canopy Privacy Audit Software Overview

privacy audit software's magnifying glass icon on blue background with canopy geo marker step and repeat

Take Charge of
Your Sensitive Data

Don’t wait for a data breach to mitigate risk. Canopy’s AI-powered Privacy Audit software zeroes in on PII, delivers a complete picture of how your organization processes data, and provides critical insights for a robust privacy program.

Download this brochure to see:

  • How Privacy Audit can help you understand what’s in your data with certainty and specificity.
  • Canopy's recommendations for building a robust privacy program centered on PII detection.
  • How Privacy Audit benefits every member of your organization, from the CIO/CPO to front-line employees.
  • Testimonials from our customers on why they chose Canopy & what results they've seen.

Get the Brochure

When it comes to data mining, the lowest bid is not always the least expensive option overall. This phase has a trickle-down effect across the rest of the breach response process.